8/31/2015 - Today I am grateful for waking up and feeling my stomach in pain and was still full from last night. As I purged my thoughts, stress and leftover food I came through a moment of clarity and felt restless and empty and just happy with feeling empty to look at that moment and realize this is my starting point today. At this point in time I can choose to go Up or go Down with my thoughts, emotions, problems or successes. Where do I want to go today? Who do I want to be today? Who cares!!!! I am Michael James and I can do anything I want in my life. I make the choices that affect me and my movements. If I fall then I have learned from the best place to fall and look up and ask who can I go up from here? If I have success I feel that and understand how I attracted this into my life. For today I am me. I am grateful to be me and to be breathing and thinking. Love yourself love your life.
So today officially marks 10 years of starting and running NogginBranding ! So for 3,650 days, I have gotten to meet and grow businesses in every industry. I am extremely grateful to have gotten the chance to meet you, learn about your businesses, services, and products. It has been a dream to work within the Marketing Industry and truly provide extremely valuable ongoing branding and marketing services to so many people and locations over the years. Now getting the chance to look back I get to see what worked, what has not, and what I want to accomplish in the next 5 to 10 years. Noggin Branding has been my baby and after being an expert in the marketing arena now I get to pivot and grow in the funding and finance industries and help communities, cities, and all 50 states for now. I am excited to see what the future brings and I know where I will be spending my time with Solid Number as a Growth Agent and transforming businesses using my skills and connections. Thank you to any...
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