Some days I feel like my brain is not attached to me. I feel like it extends out past my body and more into the universe attracting people, ideas and motivation for myself, my life, my friends and clients. I have been taking personal time to really ask and talk to myself about my thoughts and beliefs and what I am wanting and attracting to my life. All I can say is for about the last 1.5 years it feels GOOD and like everything is making sense and WORKING for me and my clients. It is such a warm and tickling feeling that it is hard to sleep some days as well as sit still for long time because I feel I know what is coming (and it looks good for so many people.) For anyone that has ever met me or knows me at some personal level I am aware of you. I love each and every person and I truly from the bottom of my heart want to see each and every person around me succeed and really enjoy their life and have as much fun as friggen possible. I am attracting this into my life and sharing this with anyone that is wanting to accept this into their life. If some magical things start happening around you I cannot say I am responsible but I will feel ecstatic for you and will feel more and more warmth towards everyone.
So today officially marks 10 years of starting and running NogginBranding ! So for 3,650 days, I have gotten to meet and grow businesses in every industry. I am extremely grateful to have gotten the chance to meet you, learn about your businesses, services, and products. It has been a dream to work within the Marketing Industry and truly provide extremely valuable ongoing branding and marketing services to so many people and locations over the years. Now getting the chance to look back I get to see what worked, what has not, and what I want to accomplish in the next 5 to 10 years. Noggin Branding has been my baby and after being an expert in the marketing arena now I get to pivot and grow in the funding and finance industries and help communities, cities, and all 50 states for now. I am excited to see what the future brings and I know where I will be spending my time with Solid Number as a Growth Agent and transforming businesses using my skills and connections. Thank you to any...
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